Filmmaker Jorge Peña Martín finds in a mysterious beach on a southern Brazilian island, and in the community that inhabits it, a sentimental bridge to the Málaga neighbourhood where he grew up, which is now overrun by tourists. His documentary takes an intuitive look at a place sentenced to death (by resort), its history of sunken Spanish and Portuguese galleons (still under these waters) and its inhabitants (particularly fishermen) on the verge of being expelled from paradise. This work lies somewhere between Luchino Visconti’s The Earth Trembles and Oskar Alegria’s Zumiriki, capturing the spirituality of the landscape, but also the harshness of everyday life – blood, sweat and tears. It is a portrait of the survivors of a – global – catastrophe, who are not so much lost as oppressed, and a lament to a way of life that consists of wanting nothing more, and nothing less.