Endless Revolutions


Ilan Serruya | Spain | 2018 | 65 min.
O.V. Spanish subtitle in English

With sustained emotional suspense, taking its time and its distance, with patience and also with intensity, Reunión looks at a long postponed reunion, set in the abrupt landscape of Reunion Island in an ironic play on words. It’s the director’s reunion with his father in an attempt to resume what seems to be an impossible dialogue, enveloped by unhealed wounds. And the days seem to be giving way to that vegetation, those rocks and that pool, in which silences and bodies talk with unusual eloquence.

Direction: Ilan Serruya
Cinematography: Ilan Serruya
Editing: Ilan Serruya
Sound: Pablo Teijón
Cast: Raphael Serruya
Production: Ilan Serruya, Gorky films, Gonzalo E. Veloso

Ilan Serruya

Ilan Serruya grew up between the cities of Mar del Plata (Argentina) and Seville, and currently resides in Madrid. He specialised in studying film editing (Instituto del Cine de Madrid) and in Fine Arts (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). In 2017-2018 he studied the LAV Master: Audiovisual Laboratory for Contemporary Creation and Practice. With his first film, La distancia perdida (2015), he participated in screenings in Guadalajara (Mexico), Rome (Italy), and Prague (Czech Republic) and with ¿Para qué sirve un zeide? (2018) in festivals such as Filmadrid. He premiered his first feature film, Reunión, in Doclisboa.

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