Endless Revolutions


Werner Herzog | Germany, Japan | 2019 | 89 min.
O.V in Japanese subtitled in English and Spanish

Werner Herzog took advantage of the time spent in Japan when making this film. And that country is in strange tune with the German director, with its cat coffees, used underwear vending machines, capsule-hotels and companies like Family Romance, which profits from "escorts" that act as friends and family. There Ichii works, an entrepreneur hired to play the role of the missing father of a teenager. A story between the real and the fictional, as only Herzog can film it.

Direction: Werner Herzog
Script: Werner Herzog
Cinematography: Werner Herzog
Editing: Sean Scannell
Music: Ernst Reijseger
Sound: Mark Mangini
Cast: Yuichi Ishii, Mahiro Tamimoto
Production: Roc Morin
Production Company: Skellig Rock


Born in Munich in 1942, Werner Herzog was one of the key figures of the New German Cinema, and today he is one of the greatest European filmmakers both in the field of fiction and documentary, where his characteristic forms, his adventurous spirit and his search for the particularity of the human psyche have set the tone. In his extensive filmography, which includes more than 60 titles since his debut in 1961, he has emblematic titles such as Aguirre, la cólera de Dios (1972), El enigma de Kaspar Hauser (1974), Stroszek (1977) or Fitzcarraldo (1982) in the field of fiction, and in non-fiction The Land of Silence and Darkness (1971), Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997), Grizzly Man (2005), Encounters at the End of the World (2007, nominated for the Oscars) or The Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010), among many others. He has received countless awards for his films. He has also written a dozen books, among them: Conquest of the Useless and Of Walking in Ice which have been published in Spain, in addition he has also directed several operas.

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