Actividades Paralelas El Festival de Sevilla saca a la calle el cine con su sección de Actividades Paralelas. Actividades Paralelas Inauguration of the Balcris Exhibition: ‘The Creative Process Behind the Giraldillo Award’ Opening of the Regina Pessoa Exhibition: 'Chiaroscuro' Regina Pessoa: The Art of Playing with Light Screening ‘Mi barrio en docu’ Laboratory of Cinematographic Journalism. Talk with GERARDO SÁNCHEZ Masterclass by David Puttnam ‘Using music in film’ Book presentation ‘Memorias de un cinéfilo sarnoso’ by Gerardo Sánchez Inadelso Cossa: The Art of Telling a War Story Laboratory of Cinematographic Journalism. TALK WITH MARIONA BORULL Esteban Crespo: The art of suspense SCREENING AT FACTORÍA CULTURAL ‘DILILI IN PARIS’ Yolande Zauberman: The Art of Filming Light in Darkness Masterclass by Benito Zambrano 'Mistakes I made and that you should not make in your first film' Jaume Ripoll (FILMIN): The art of loving cinema Manuel Sicilia: The art of transforming a Christmas campaign into a major phenomenon Laboratory of Cinematographic Journalism. talk with JUAN PANDO David Puttnam and Jeremy Irons: The art of crafting an iconic film. The Mission SCREENING AT FACTORÍA CULTURAL ‘THE LOST KING’ Asimina Proedrou: The art of filmin behind the haystacks Emilie Girardin: The art of writing dialogue through improvisation Book Presentation: ‘Alberto Rodríguez: Film Director’ by Luis Álvarez and Pedro Álvarez Manuel Jiménez: The art of showcasing 'Las 3000', my neighborhood José Luis Tirado: The art of dancing with memory Cine en Sevilla 1. 'Solos en la noche' con Guillermo Rojas Julia Cortegana: The art of celluloid preservation