seff night - concerts 2018

friday 9 Nov
Discoteca Holiday
Dj Bombín + Maribel Sebastian Deejais
'Melodies to listen to in short pants' or 'The sinuous sounds of the organ in rock' are some of the ingenious titles of the latest installments of 'Sonideros', that oasis for music lovers on our radio waves. And DJ Bombín, a regular presence in Madrid's nightlife and co-founder (along with Mastretta, among others) of Las Manos de Orlac, one of the most unique groups of the '80s, is one of the people to blame for the fact that every Sunday at 19.00 hours let's tune in Radio 3 on our dials.

saturday 10 Nov
Sala X
Texxcoco + Dj: Tali Carreto
Twos EP’s with Cliford Records, an LP with Subterfuge and a zillion concerts behind him, including an acclaimed visit to Mexico. It isn’t a bad haul for a band that con boast of both exultant youth and immense talent. These Canary Islanders have become the penultimate hope of national alt rock, the last link of sounds marked by angst –from Joy Division to Nirvana– and the first possible option for that generational replacement which Spanish indie needed (so much).

sunday 11 nov
Sala X
Boogarins + Dj: Unicornio
2.0 descendants of the tropicalism that swept Brazil in the 60s, Boogarins invite us in each album and in each concert to a lysergic trip that could well start in the Beatles’ Rubber Soul, have a stopover in the Barrettian psychedelia of Pink Floyd, and arrive at their destination hobnobbing with contemporary travelling companions such as Temples. And, of course, picking up along the way such notable hitch hikers as Caetano Veloso or carousing with Os Mutantes.

monday 12 NOV
Sala X
The Swingin’ Neckbreakers + Dj: Toni Love
Back around 1992, while Seville was dancing to the sound of Curro, in Trenton, New Jersey, the broth- ers Tom and John Jorgensen found another way to make a scene. A sin- gle, the catchy “Diggin’ A Grave”, was enough for The Swingin’ Neckbreakers to become the sensation of the season. Twenty six years later good old Tom has revived the band with new and explosive company: Spencer Evoy (MFC Chicken), Paco Poza (Los Imposibles), Von Hoks (Imperial Surfers) and TNT Ramírez. Tonight there’s a paaaarty.

tuesday 13 NOV
Sala X
The Hi-Risers + Dj: Conde Duque
Taking a look at the career of these besuited musicians is to look behind the scenes of rock ’n roll. Greg Townson and Todd Bradley, guitar and bass of this power trio, have rubbed shoulders with legends like Hank Ballard and Bo Diddley, in addition to making their debut as The Essentials as nothing less than the supporting act to the Ramones! Oh, and if Greg’s face doesn’t look familiar, his hands will: he is one of the masked Straitjackets. Incombustible, they’re back with a new record and a new drummer, but with the same energy as ever.

wednesday 14 NOV
Sala X
El Petit de Cal Eril + Guantá + Dj: Marieta Dj-Yé
Wednesdays at SEFF Night, continuous session: El Petit de Cal Eril, folk pop with psychedelia touches and not a few film connections (take a look at their last three videoclips, a trilogy that seem straight from ESCAC), and Guantá, hedonistic revival of the punk pop of the 80s which brings together the female transgression of Las Janes and the male beat of Industrias 94, two of the musical phenomena that have emerged in the Seville of the two thousands. Double programme that is very grind and not at all house.

thursday 15 NOV
Sala X
Equiknoxx feat. Shanique Marie + Dj: Mondongo Boy
This really is “Caribe Mix” and not what they sold us on the TV. Under the catchy name of Equiknoxx we find a handful of producers and artists with their base in Jamaica and unorthodox heirs of dub geniuses such as Lee “Scratch” Perry or King Jammy. But beyond reverence for the past, what they do is mutate dancehall to unsuspected extremes, with the help of vocalists who long to stir up up the dance floor like this magnificent Shanique Marie with whom they appear at SEFF Night.

friday 16 NOV
Sala X
Zulu Zulu + Djs: Pío Paradox & Betty Miserias presentan 'From Mambo to Rambo'.
Last year “Defensa Zebra” was presented on its own merits as one of the most surprising debuts of the national indie. Avoiding with confidence –and a good dose of sarcasm- any possible comparisons with foreign successes such as Vampire Weekend and Animal Collective or national ones such as El Guincho, the Majorcans shook of the label of psychedelic afropop with a kind of atavistic prog rock as brave in its premise as solid in its staging. And yes, friends, it makes for great dancing.

satuday 17 NOV
Discoteca Holiday
Delafé Dj Set + Dj: La Rubia Pincha
At 17, Oscar D’Aniello was already getting people to dance like dj. At 22, he was one of those responsible for making Mishima familiar not only to lovers of literature: along with David Carabén he founded a band that became the favourite of Rockdelux (and of half of indie Spain). At 26, and with Delafé y las Flores Azules, he gave us such much chorused songs as “Espíritu Santo”. Today, at 41, his capacity for delighting us is still intact, always with music as leit motiv. It’s called a matter of faith
All concerts will start at 00.30.