Andalusian Panorama


Guillermo García | España | 2019 | 65 min.
O.V in Spanish subtitled in English

Can radio theater be a tool for social transformation among women? This is what the group of women at the front of the community station show' Radiopolis Corazones de Guatiné believed, who stood in the stigmatized and peripheral Sevillian neighborhood Polígono Sur with the idea of giving a radio workshop. With works such as La casa de Bernarda Alba de Lorca or a modern version of Lisístrata by Aristófanes as pedagogical weapons, the spark was ignited. And so it was that Reporteras de buen rollo, a radio theatre programme hosted by the women of Polígono Sur, whose exciting creation we attended in this film.

Direction: Guillermo García
Script: Guillermo García, María Limón, Fernando Rivas
Cinematography: Guillermo García
Editing: Guillermo García
Music: Ernesto Ojeda, Jairo KJ
Sound: David Marín
Production: Guillermo García, María Limón,
Production Company: The Relevation Films


He has an extensive career as film editor, working on a large number of titles with the Sevillian artist María Cañas. Among them is EXPO LIO 92, Best Film in Alcances 2017, for which García received the Award for Best Editing at the Alcine Festival and was nominated for the ASECAN awards of Andalusian cinema. He has also worked as assistant director and second cameraman in films such as NO, Un Cuento Flamenco, by José Luis Tirado, which has been selected in numerous international festivals. Reporteras de Buen Rollo is his first film as a director.

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