Andalusian Panorama Shorts


Juan Francisco Viruega | Spain | 2020 | 25 min.
O.V. in Spanish.
La cicatriz

The repercussion that reaches us to this day through generations about the so called “bogeyman” or Sacamantecas (another Spanish name to refer to the bogeyman), a legend whose origins dates back to infanticide committed in 1910 in Andalusia. 

This title will be screened in Session #1 of Andalusian Panorama Shorts



Direction: Juan Francisco Viruega
Script: Juan Francisco Viruega
Cinematography: Pablo Miralles
Editing: Mikel Iribarren
Music: Iván Palomares
Sound: Raúl Lloriz y Daniel Peña
Production: Juan Francisco Viruega, Cristina Serena
Production Company: Juan Francisco Viruega PC, Cristina Serena PC, Junta de Andalucía

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