Andalusian Panorama


Jorge Laplace | Spain, France | 2019 | 61 min.
O.V in French and Spanish subtitled in Spanish
Equipo D

During the Second World War a secret battle was fought to decode the Nazi encodings issued by the Enigma machine. A chess game between the most brilliant minds of the time whose outcome was vital to solve the greatest war of the twentieth century and the fate of Europe. In this passionate struggle the role of Team D, made up of Spanish Republicans in exile, was as decisive as it was unknown. A film by Jorge Laplace, director of 23 shots (Premio Imagenera 2018) and screenwriter of the Goya nominees Alfred & Anna (Juanma Suárez, 2013) and 30 years of darkness (Manuel H. Martín, 2012).

Screening with:

Colectivo Los Bárbaros (Rebeca López Escobar, Carlos Escolano) | Spain | 2019 | 26 min.
O.V in spanish

In February 1937 thousands of people - mostly civilians - were forced to escape into exile along the Málaga-Almería road. Eighty years later, the Bárbaros Collective travels through these spaces of memory and mourning.

Ahi donde


Direction: Jorge Laplace
Script: Jorge Laplace
Cinematography: Alejandro Toro, Hugo Cabeza
Editing: Alejandro Toro, Hugo Cabeza
Music: Pablo Cervantes
Sound: Juan Cantó
Production: Ismael Gutiérrez
Production Company: Playmedia Producciones, RTVE


Born in Jerez in 1981. Fernandez graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Sevilla, got a Masters degree in Screenwriting at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and completed the Screenwriter Program at the New York Film Academy. He wrote the scripts for the award-winning Alfred & Anna (Juanma Suárez, 2013) and 30 años de oscuridad (Manuel H. Martín, 2012), which got nominated for the Goya Awards in the Best Animation Short Film and Best Animation Short Film Documentary categories. 23 disparos (2017), his first feature-length documentary, premiered at the Malaga Film Festival and received four awards, including the Imagenera Award and the prestigious Iris Award from the Television Academy.